Following acclaimed runs at the RSC and London’s West End, this powerful adaptation reimagines Shakespeare’s classic in 1930s Britain, during the rise of Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists. Featuring Tracy-Ann Oberman as the first British actress to portray Shylock, The Merchant of Venice 1936 will be performed at the Liverpool Playhouse from Tuesday 4 to Saturday 8 February.
Tracy-Ann Oberman (one of writers of 3 Sisters on Hope Street, Liverpool Everyman; EastEnders and Doctor Who, BBC; Friday Night Dinner, Channel 4) is joined by RSC Associate Artist Joseph Millson (The Last Kingdom, Netflix; The Forsyte Saga, Park Theatre) as Antonio / Arragon.
Tracy-Ann Oberman said: “The message of my female Shylock – based on my Great Grandma, a widow in the East End standing up to Oswald Mosley and the British Union of Fascists, with all her neighbours and others horrified by the message of BUF – feels more pertinent than ever. The play is about unity, standing together against hatred and the play’s impact has been beyond my wildest hopes and ambitions for it.”
This striking and impactful production is a collaboration between Brigid Larmour and Tracy-Ann Oberman, who together adapted the play, with Larmour directing and Oberman as Associate Director.
The company is completed by Georgie Fellows (Sappho, Southwark Playhouse; The Living Newspaper, Royal Court) as Portia, Evie Hargreaves (Vera, ITV; Virdee and Doctors, BBC) as Mary / Nerissa, Mikhail Sen (The Play That Goes Wrong, Duchess Theatre; Troilus and Cressida, Royal Shakespeare Company) as Lorenzo / Maharajah, Elly Roberts (Sex Education, Netflix) as Stefania / Blackshirt, Gavin Fowler (Henry V, GSC); A Christmas Carol, RSC) as Bassanio, Grainne Dromgoole (39 and Counting, Park Theatre; Romeo and Juliet, Cambridge Arts Theatre) as Jessica, Xavier Starr (The Mechanicals Presents… Macbeth or Julius Caesar, Play Nicely Theatre) as Gratiano / Police Constable, and Alex Zur (The Great Gatsby, European Tour; Hamlet, Southwark Playhouse) as Yuval / Balthasar / The Duke / Blackshirt.
Alongside Costume and Set Designer Liz Cooke, Lighting Designer Rory Beaton, Composer Erran Baron Cohen and Sound Designer Sarah Weltman, this enduring Shakespearean classic is transported to 1930s East London, set against a backdrop of political unrest and the Battle of Cable Street.
With the city on the brink of political unrest, fascism sweeping across Europe and Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists threatening a paramilitary march through the Jewish East End, strong-willed single mother Shylock runs a pawnbroking business from her house in Cable Street where Mosley will march. When charismatic, antisemitic aristocrat Antonio comes to her for a loan, a high-stakes deal is struck. Will Shylock take her revenge, and who will pay the ultimate price?
On Thursday 6 February there will be a post-show discussion following the matinee performance, the discussion will be with Tracy-Ann Oberman and members of the cast. The discussion is free to attend with a ticket to the performance. Tickets are priced from £11 to £41 and are available at