Congratulations to Lisa Nandy on the most exciting job in government.

Investment in culture has been waning for the past decade. The crucial role that art and artists play in society has been steadily chipped away at, the concentration of funding and talent drain to London continues, the shadow of Covid on audiences persists.

Across the country we have seen towns and cities gut their investment in culture with terrible consequences, and worst of all is the emergence of an idea that art is a ‘waste’ whether through funding or as a subject to study. A frivolous endeavour when there is serious work to be done.

This is all nonsense.

Culture is a banker of an investment. It drives the economy, increases positive health and wellbeing, makes places more appealing for visitors and investors, gives communities a platform to tell their stories and crucially injects some joy into our lives.

For the past 14 years, Liverpool has had a Labour council, and culture has been the backbone of our renaissance, the rocket fuel for regeneration. Our visitor economy, creative industries, student retention and international brand are booming and are all built on our cultural commitment.

This Liverpool Model is simple:

Investment – a multi year commitment to spending public money on the arts so they can grow.

Artist First – we let the artists and creatives take the lead.

Whole City Support – everyone understands the value of culture – from closing roads to working in schools, cleaning streets to public health, there are no blockers only enablers in helping us do extraordinary things.

Locally Rooted, internationally focused – we produce work that could only happen in Liverpool, but which matters internationally

Patient impatience – success does not come quickly. The first time something doesn’t work you don’t panic and shift direction. You have to trust the process. But we never settle we always keep pushing for the new.

What we have done in Liverpool isn’t perfect – there have been some big challenges in that time – but if you look at where we are now compared to where we were in 2010, it can only be seen as transformational.

Money entrusted to people in local communities who understand their homes, what it needs and what Is going to make it tick. That is what makes a difference.

Invest boldly, trust inherently, commit fully, think locally, aim globally.

I am excited and hopeful about what this government can do for culture and the arts across the UK.

Our labour led authority through years of austerity has always seen culture as a smart investment emotionally and economically. It’s paid off now let us double down on that, work non-competitively and collegiately across the country and double our growth.

We’re ready.

Claire McColgan CBE, Director, Culture Liverpool

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