Visit Britain, Marketing Liverpool & Sound Diplomacy are proud to present MUSIC TOURISM CONVENTION. The world’s most extensive conference bringing together the music and tourism sectors to explore how music impacts, benefits and improves tourism offers, from festivals to heritage, music trails to food and music partnerships.

The conference will happen on February 16 and 17, 2017. On February 16, there will be a launch reception and the chance to explore Liverpool’s music tourism offer. On February 17, the conference will see TEDx style presentations and engaging, diverse panels.

Music Tourism Convention will bring together executives from across the tourism, public, private and creative sectors to expand on the opportunities the music and tourism sectors can gain from each other.

More Information

For more information, including opening times and ticket prices, please visit here.

Event Date: Thursday 16th February 2017 - Friday 17th February 2017

Categories: Archive | Exhibition | Liverpool | Music

Contact Details: Sian Evans, Tel: 020 7613 4271

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