Why bamboo? Bamboo is widely held to be one of the most important sustainable materials in the world and is used in design, construction, green innovation, farming and carbon capture.
Local residents and artists from across Liverpool City Region have come together with engineers from Atelier One and bamboo specialists from four continents to explore bamboo as a sustainable material for the future.
– Bamboo is a grass, not a plant
– Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on the planet
– Bamboo creates more oxygen than trees
– Bamboo is Stronger than Steel
– Bamboo is naturally antibacterial
– Bamboo is a nutritious food source
– Bamboo does not require fertilizers or pesticides for optimal growth
– Bamboo is also used as medicine
– Bamboo provides housing for 15% of the people in the world
– There are over 1500 species of bamboo
Fact Source: https://smartclass4kids.com/science/plants-facts/bamboo-plants-facts/