Culture Liverpool alongside Regeneration colleagues, are working on numerous projects in and around Anfield including The People of Anfield Project, and meanwhile space initiatives.
The People of Anfield project has been commissioned with Open Eye gallery and designed and delivered by photographer Emma Case and writer Pauline Rowe. Throughout February to July 2023, workshops have taken place across Liverpool to build relationships and facilitate collaborations with local businesses and individuals already working in the area including Homebaked CLT, Anfield Business Network and Liverpool Lighthouse. Hosted at Kitty’s Laundrette, the project was officially launched on 15 June and highlighted the passions and priorities of the community.
The next phase of the project included writing workshops, photography walks and exhibition drop-ins, where people were invited to share objects and stories linked to their experience of living in Anfield. These were included in a recent exhibition and film. A copy of the book ‘The Flowers Still Grow‘, edited by Pauline Rowe can be read here and the short film ‘Terraces‘, exploring the local built and natural environment, shared through the voices of Anfield people can be viewed here.
Working alongside colleagues in City Development, Street Scene, local Councillors and residents, Culture Liverpool will explore opportunities for meanwhile use and green space development.
Engagement has taken place with stakeholders to explore potential of a green space and community growing site on the corner of Blessington Road and Lower Breck Road. Whilst still in planning stage, activities have started with a ‘Litter Pick and Environment Day’ on 23 September 2022. The Eco-Emerald Pupils of All Saints Primary School were featured by BBC Blue Peter collecting litter and talking about their aspirations for the Blessington space. They all received their green Blue Peter badge and were able to share their positive stories to other member of the community.