Since 2021 Feeding Liverpool has led Liverpool’s Good Food Plan and listening to people across Liverpool as they have answered this question: “What does Good Food mean to you?”
For many, it means eating our cultural food. Feeding Liverpool have also heard how the traditions surrounding cultural food are important to our wellbeing through our sense of shared identity, community, and heritage.
This year, working with local photographer Emma Case and community groups across Liverpool, Feeding Liverpool have begun building a collection of food stories through photographs and interviews. The pop up version of the Good Food; Our Food Exhibition will be at Toxteth Library, Windsor St, Liverpool L8 1XF from Monday 4th December – Saturday 9th December.
Feeding Liverpool will be hosting a free workshop at Toxteth Library, exploring the themes of the exhibition and what barriers our community faces in accessing Good Food.
This will take place at Toxteth Library on Wednesday 6th December at 12.30pm-2pm.
To register please follow this link.
Event Date: Monday 4th December 2023 - Saturday 9th December 2023
Categories: Community Event | Food & Drink | Free | Participate