The Bouquet d’abat-jours (Lampshades bouquet) is a set of lights dusting off the traditional lamps of our living room that have been transposed in a gigantic outdoor version and have become a full piece of urban furniture with the bench that surround their base. At the end of their gracefully curved stems blossom white lampshades that will reveal the surprising magic of their colours at nightfall.

Like the loose and colourful fragments of a kaleidoscope, the lampshades of the Bouquet liven in an endless variety of images, playing with the alternation of beautiful colours and revealing an oneiric and modern universe

Lampshades Bouquet is a 7 m high and 4 m wide gigantic outdoor version of a traditional lamp from many living rooms. It is surrounded by a bench at the base. The 9 lampshades of every bouquet light up in different colours. 

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