This Chinese brush painting session is a mixed ability class, suitable for experienced artists looking to experiment with a different technique, or beginners looking to create graceful and simple paintings. Join dot-art on Saturday 4th February from 11am – 4pm for a full day workshop.
This session will begin with a brief history of Chinese art looking at the main ways it differs from Western painting styles. This will be followed by a demonstration of brush technique, correct handling and posture, leading to the first exercise which will finish in you painting a long flowing orchid stem, adding simple orchid flowers.
The second exercise teaches more techniques focusing on ink, dilution and adding watercolour. You will then paint the ‘Four Gentlemen’ – four plants used to teach the fundamental elements of Chinese brush painting: the plum blossom (梅), the bamboo (竹), and the chrysanthemum (菊) (the other plant is the orchid (蘭) previously used in exercise one).
You will look at what different trees and flowers represent in Chinese culture e.g. strength, peace, purity etc. along with Chinese calligraphy and have a go at writing in Chinese using paintbrushes.
From a number of different visual stimuli, you will choose your own subject matter to create a more detailed painting using the techniques learned, with a demonstration from the artist, feedback and group critiques.
Event Date: Saturday 4th February 2023
Location: 14 Queen Avenue, Liverpool, L2 4TX